Certificates of Äripäev Infopank

Äripäev Infopank awards certificates to successful and trustworthy companies in Estonia. Two different certificates are offered – Äripäev TOP Company and Trustworthy Company.

Äripäev TOP certificate

Since 1993, Äripäev has compiled various TOP rankings to recognize viable and developing Estonian companies. Every year we compile more than 70 different rankings.

The result of our long experience is that membership in Äripäev TOP has become a sign of quality of the company and it’s known and recognized by both companies and individuals.

We offer companies belonging to Äripäev TOP the opportunity to purchase a certificate gold package, which includes physical and digital certificates, digital logos, stickers, banners to be used in e-mail signatures, public Äripäev TOP logo in Infopank, and a gift.

Especially outstanding companies that have been part of TOP for at least five years have the opportunity to purchase the certificate platinum package, which includes exclusive platinum certificates and logos, everything included in the gold package and a surprise.

TOP ranking methodology

Source data in 2023:
Sales Revenue (turnover) in 2021, 2022
Profit before tax 2021, 2022
Value added per employee 2021, 2022
Number of employees >= 3 employees 2022; >=2 employees in 2021; allowed in some industry rankings number of employees >= 2 employees 2022; >=1 employee in 2021

In order to reach the Valdkonna TOP, the share of the company’s activities in the respective field had to be at least 51% of the turnover. The company's business had to be active for 2 consecutive financial years.

In order to compile the TOP in 2023, Äripäev took the data from the business register of the company’s with the largest turnover in the field based on the financial results of the previous year. Companies whose financial results were available in the business register at the time of data collection participated in the ranking.

The companies were ranked based on six indicators. The calculation is based on the sales revenue of 2022, the growth of sales revenue compared to 2021, the profit before tax in 2022, the growth of profit compared to 2021, the profitability in 2022 and the value added per employee in 2022.

Based on each indicator, the companies were listed in the rankings, each place in the ranking awarded the company corresponding number of points. The points were added and the company with the fewest points won.

If the company’s data was missing from the TOP it might be because:
The company has not been active in two full financial years (2021-2022).
If the company’s average equity for the last year or two is negative.
If the company has no employees or their number is below the limit allowed in the calculations.
If the company's report was not available from the electronic system of the business register at the time of compiling the ranking.
If the company was liquidated, in liquidation or bankrupt at the time of compiling the TOP.
When consolidating company data, subsidiaries cannot participate in the same ranking.
The company has large tax depts according to EMTA (the compiler of the ranking may soften this rule for deferred debts).
If the company's annual report contained an auditor's note that indicated incorrect presentation of economic indicators or deficiencies.

Trustworthy Company

Äripäev Infopank continously collects thorough information on all Estonian companies, including activity, financial information, payment habits. Based on collected information and rating model we calculate credit ratings and recommended credit limits. Ratings are updated daily.

To qualify for the certificate, the company must be continuously on highest credit rating level over the past year (for at least 350 out of 365 days). This means that there have not been tax arrears or debt collection cases, annual financial reports and declarations have been submitted on time, financial indicators are good and company’s background is clean.

Certificate package includes physical and digital certificates, logos, banners for e-mail signatures and public Trustworthy Company logo in Äripäev Infopank for a year. When used in marketing, the Trustworthy Company materials give a clear signal to clients and co-operation partners that it’s safe to do business with you.